Ever since I pursued the creative path, I’ve often questioned where these ideas come from? They just don’t generate themselves out of thin air. I also find it fascinating that we’re pretty much the only animal on this planet that can dream up an idea and bring it into existence. How does this happen? And is there a science behind it? My curiosity on the subject was sparked recently while listening to Hack on Triple J. The half-hour journalism program featured an interview with Jonah Lehrer, author of Imagine: How Creativity Works. In it, Lehrer discusses what may foster and stifle creativity. With probably the most controversial claim that traditional brainstorming doesn’t work. He further examines creative processes from an array of idea generators like 3M, Google, and Pixar. Definitely, this book is on my to get list. His theories have not gone without criticism though: It’s All in Your Head: The Problems With Jonah Lehrer’s Imagine.
How Creativity Works
Author Jonah Lehrer discusses what may foster and stifle creativity in his book “Imagine: How Creativity Works.”

Have a listen:
Hack interview with Jonah Lehrer that aired April 17th 2012:
Hack interview with Jonah Lehrer that aired April 19th 2012: